
21 Days Of Prayer with Trevor Downham - DAY 21

DAY 21 - SUNDAY - 23 FEB

“One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.” - Luke 17:11-19

He was an outcast because of his illness. He was an outcast because of his heritage. He was called: “Walking dead.” When he encountered Jesus, he received life and immediately praised God. When we praise God, we recognize His activity in our lives and recount His goodness. Notice the change: the man’s loud pleas became loud praises!


God, I recognize your goodness, your grace and your power. I pray today that I live life in light of the sacrifice you have given. In you alone I find life. I surrender everything I am to you because only you are worthy. In Jesus’ name, amen.


God, as our church gathers for Encounter we give you honor and glory because you are God, the one deserving all our worship. Today we posture our hearts in expectation and awe of you. Come, have your way. Receive our praises. You are worthy. In Jesus’ name, amen.

#Norwegian#Settlers #Church #Trevor #Downham #Devotions

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Thanks for watching! God bless you!


21 Days Of Prayer with Trevor Downham - DAY 20