
21 Days Of Prayer with Trevor Downham - DAY 8


“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit He prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” - John 15:1-2

As God in human flesh, Jesus pointed to Himself as the source of spiritual life, vitality, growth, and productivity. Abiding in the authentic Vine is the prerequisite of fruitfulness for the Christ follower. The verb often translated “cut off, remove” is better translated “lift up.” As the Loving Gardener, God lifts up the unproducing Christian, creating a sense of true devotion that results in fruit.

PRAY FOR SELF: God, show me the things that are in me that are not like you. Thank you for being the Loving Gardner who prunes and removes the things that are not like you. Help me abide in Jesus today so that I will experience the abundant life. Produce in me the fruit of the Spirit so you may receive glory from my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

PRAY FOR CHURCH: God, we want to be a church that is always abiding in you, the true vine. As we seek and encounter your presence, may we bear abundant fruit in order to be a blessing to our friends, family, our city, and our country. In Jesus’ name, amen.

#Norwegian#Settlers #Church #Trevor #Downham #Devotions

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Thanks for watching! God bless you!


21 Days Of Prayer with Trevor Downham - DAY 9


21 Days Of Prayer with Trevor Downham - DAY 7