Experience powerful and practical messages every single week.
Experience powerful and practical messages every single week.
Trevor Downham concludes the series exploring the different names of God.
This week, we focus on the name of Jesus, which means “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation.”
Matt Langton shares with us a message entitled Merry Christ-Missed.
Today, Matt shares with us a message of how during the busy happenings surrounding the season of Christmas, we can often focus on the things going on around us in the world, and we forget to remember and focus on the greatest miracle to ever happen in this world - the miraculous birth of our saviour Jesus Christ.
This Christmas Eve, Trevor Downham shares with us a message of what Christmas is really about - the greatest gift of Christmas, the gist of Jesus.
Matt Langton shares with us a message entitled Christmas Every Day Through Love.
Today, Matt shares with us from 1 John 4:7-12, sharing with us God’s most perfect and true love for us as His people, and how we as Christians are to show this same love for others - to love one another unconditionally.
Trevor Downham continues with a series exploring the different names of God.
This week, we focus on the name Jehovah Jireh which translates to "the Lord will provide" or "the Lord my provider" in Hebrew.
Trevor Downham concludes the series "It's About Time", focusing on the time or “season” of our lives as Christians.
In Part 4, we looked at the ages between 60 - 70, and we asked the question - how long can I sustain what I have spent all my life defining?
Today, we look at the ages between 70 - 80, and we ask the question - how will I live out the last years of my life with greatness and to the fullest for Jesus?
Mark Smith shares with us a message entitled Living With Hope, and how Jesus, The Hope of the World, brought light into a world of darkness through His birth, His death, and ultimately through His resurrection.
Johnny du Plessis continues with a series exploring the different names of God.
This week, we focus on the name Jehovah Shammah which means "The Lord is There" in Hebrew, and is the name of God that promises His presence.
Trevor Downham continues with the series "It's About Time", focusing on the time or “season” of our lives as Christians.
In Part 3, we looked at the question - could there be more to this life we are living, and how to we get there.
Today, we look at the ages between 60 - 70, and we ask the question - how long can I sustain what I have spent all my life defining?
Trevor Downham continues with a series exploring the different names of God.
This week, we focus on the name Jehovah Shammah which means "The Lord is There" in Hebrew, and is the name of God that promises His presence.
Matt Langton continues with a series exploring the different names of God.
This week, we focus on the name El Olam which means "The Everlasting God" or "Eternal God" in Hebrew, and what this means for us as believers.
Mark Smith continues with a series exploring the different names of God.
This week, we focus on the name Jehovah M'kaddesh which means “The Lord Who Sanctifies” in Hebrew, and what this means for us as believers.
Trevor Downham continues with the series "It's About Time", focusing on the time or “season” of our lives as Christians.
In Part 2, we looked at Chronos time. Today, we look at the question - could there be more to this life we are living, and how to we get there.
Sean Peters, the Lead Pastor of Crossroads Christian Church in Vacaville, California, continues with a series exploring the different names of God.
This week, we focus on the name Jehovah Nissi, which means "The LORD is our Banner", "Mighty Warrior", "Victory" in Hebrew, and what this means for us as believers.
Trevor Downham continues with a series exploring the different names of God.
This week, we focus on the name El Shaddai, which means "God Almighty", "God who is Sovereign", and "God who is All Sufficient" in Hebrew.
Trevor Downham begins with a series exploring the different names of God.
This week, we focus on the name Jehovah Tsidkenu, which means "The Lord Our Righteousness" in Hebrew.
Trevor Downham continues with the series "It's About Time", focusing on the time or “season” of our lives as Christians.
In Part 1, we looked at Kairos time. Today, we look at Chronos time - how we measure our days and our lives quantitatively or linearly, how the days of our lives are limited, and how we need to live the days of our lives to be well and pleasing to Jesus.
Mark Smith shares a message entitled "The God Who Sees Me", sharing with us from Genesis 16:7-15 where the Angel of God spoke to Hagar at the spring of water in the desert.
Hagar is only person in Scripture to give God a name—El Roi, “the God who sees me.” In the midst of her pain and struggle, Hagar received God’s blessing and promises.
Trevor Downham continues with Part II of the series entitled "Because...", looking at the nature and character of who God is, revealed to us by the names which describe His character as found in the Bible.
Today, we look at the name of God, Jehovah Rapha - The God that heals.
Trevor Downham shares with us a message entitled Eucharisteo, meaning to give thanks, or thanksgiving.
Trevor Downham shares with us a message on the nature and character of who God is, revealed to us by the names of God which describe His character as found in the Bible.
Trevor Downham continues with the series “It’s About Time”, focusing on the time or “season” of our lives as Christians. This week, Trevor focusses on the ages between 31 to 40 years old, the great importance of being a mentor and what it means for us as Christians.
Matt Langton shares a message with us entitled “Just Breathe”, looking at how we as Christians need to constantly “breathe in” God’s Word.
Trevor Downham continues with the series “It’s About Time”, focusing on the time or “season” of our lives as Christians. This week, Trevor focusses on the ages between 20 to 30 years old, known as the Gen-Z generation.
Wes Hamilton, lead Pastor at Hulen Street Church in Fort Worth, Texas, United States, shares a message from Matthew 12:31, looking at another of Jesus’s teachings and leading us to ask the question; is there such a thing as an unforgivable sin, and what makes it unforgivable?
Wes Hamilton, lead Pastor at Hulen Street Church in Fort Worth, Texas, United States, shares a message from Matthew 11:12, where Jesus encourages believers to have faith which is “violent”, a faith of boldness, fearlessness and absolute truth.
Pastor Trevor Downham preaches to us from Judges 6 and 7, sharing with us the story of Gideon and the many instances of Crisis which he and the Israelites experienced, and how God was with them and rescued them from their Crisis every time.
Kyle Wilson from the University Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, shares with us from Acts and focusses on the Transformative Power of the Holy Spirit in our lives, encouraging us to live out our faith in our daily lives to impact the world around us for Jesus.
Pastor Trevor Downham preaches on the topic of “Who am I”. God tells us in His word; who we are, who we are not, and how valuable we are to Him.
Pastor Trevor Downham shares with us from 2 Timothy chapter 3, reminding us that “All scripture is God breathed”.
Pastor Trevor preaches from 2 Timothy and God’s unwaivering love for His people, and challenges the church to commit to a deeper walk with Jesus Christ.
Pastor Trevor preaches on ‘truisms’ and not allowing ourselves to get bogged down by the small things in life.
Chad van Niekerk shares from the book of 2 Timothy, encouraging us to protect and strengthen our faith by drawing closer to Him through the reading of His word.
Trevor Downham begins a new series focusing on the time or “season” of our lives as Christians, sharing from Ecclesiastes 3:1-10 which shows us how God has made everything beautiful in His time.
Mark Smith continues on from last weeks topic of the persecuted church, focusing on Pauls’s letter encouraging the church to remaining faithful in difficult times.
Trevor Downham shares with us on the topic of the persecuted church, taking from Paul’s message in 2 Timothy 1:8, 11-12, which speaks of holding fast to the promise in God’s word of the reward that awaits those who suffer in the name of Jesus.
Trevor Downham shares from Philippians 2:12-18, focussing on the topic of “The Joy of Serving”. Kethin Nair shares his testimony.
Trevor Downham contunues on from last week with Part 2 of the topic “Inappropriate Joy”.
Matt Langton continues on the topic of “Joy”. We are looking at Paul’s example of unshakeable faith in the book of Phillipians.
Matt Langton shares practical ways on how we can maintain our joy in stressful times.
We’re starting a new series in the book of Philippians, talking about ‘true joy.’
Pastor Trev speaks on how we need to anchor our lives on the Resurrection of Christ.
Pastor Trevor explains the feast of Passover and it’s meaning.
Pastor Trevor starts off the first week of Passion Week, preaching from the book of Mark.
Pastor Trev takes us through a traditional Jewish passover meal and its Biblical symbolism.
Mark Smith preaches on when Jesus took Peter, James and Joh up to a mountain to pray.
Pastor Trev unpacks 1 Peter 5:7, which says “cast all you cares on Him for He cares for you.”
Chad speaks on 1 Peter 5:8 encouraging us to be alert to the enemies attacks.
Matt Langton preaches on how we are to be an example of Christ to those around us.
We’re continuing in our 1 Peter Series, Mark Smith expounds on how we can have unshakeable faith through the passage that speaks about Jesus’ conversation with Peter just before His crucifixion.
Johnny preaches on practical ways to make 2024 a great year!
Pastor Trev preaches on how God can do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think.
Pastor Mark Smith shares on Christmas 2023, about God’s deep love for us.
Pastor Errol shares on how God in His greatness and mercy, cares for us.
Chad shares practical ways on how we can focus on God during the Christmas season.
Pastor Errol preaches on what it means to have a heart for God through the example of David.
Pastor Trev is back and preaches on the reason for the season from the prophet Isaiah.
Johnny preaches on the Story of Christmas from a different perspective.
Pastor Mark preaches a challenging message on our sexuality and spirituality.
Pastor Trev is preaching from the States. He discusses the ‘Road Less Travelled’ from the book of Genesis.
Chad van Niekerk teaches us on practical steps on how to overcome negative thoughts.
Matt Langton preaches from Hebrews 12 on pursuing holiness.
Pastor Mark Smith preaches on how harbouring unforgiveness only poisons us.
Pastor Trevor preaches from Matthew 25, on the parable of the talents.
Pastor Trevor preaches from Matthew 13 expounding the two, commonly known as twin, parables.
Pastor Trev preaches on how Jesus came to establish the Kingdom of God.
Guest speaker Rick Hufton preaches on getting out of your comfort zone.
Today Pastor Trevor speaks on the start of our individual journeys in the Christian faith and how this is our New Beginning.
We’re celebrating 141 years today! We reflect on all God has done for us and his incredible blessings.
Pastor Trev builds from last week’s sermon, “The Seeds and the Weeds,” and encourages us to be vigilant.
Pastor Trev preaches from Matthew 13, explaining the parable of the Seeds and the Weeds.
Youth Pastors Paul & Rachel Schneider, leaders of MK2MK from Orlando, United States - preach of the parable of the last shall be first.
Pastor Trevor preaches on the parable of the Sower and the Seed, focusing on the seed.
Pastor Trevor picks ups from last weeks message, speaking about the parable of the sower from the gospel of Luke.
Kyle Wilson from University Bible College, Houston Texas, preaches on the parable of the sower and the seed.
Matt Langton shares how God has given gifts and talents to us all, but in different measures. We are not to look horizontally and get caught up in comparison, but to use what God has given us for His glory.
Pastor Trevor preaches on the story of Ruth and how it is important for us to ‘glean’ the right attitude in any situation.
Pastor Trevor preaches on Psalm 23 and not giving the enemy a seat at our table.
Johnny preaches on Jesus’ love that does does not see race, colour or status, but loves us unconditionally.
Pastor preaches on ‘what happened after Jesus’ death’ and the great commission.
Pastor preaches on the significance of Ascension Day.
Pastor Errol preaches on the Ascension of Christ.
Pastor speaks on the Great Commission and how we are a part of God’s plan to restore His Kingdom.
Pastor speaks on Jesus after the resurrection and the command He gave to Peter.
Chad preaches on Jesus’ restoration of Peter and encourages us to draw closer to and focus on the person of Jesus.
Pastor Trevor speaks on the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and encourages to keep our faith even in the low times of life.
It’s Resurrection Sunday! Pastor Trevor preaches on the Resurrection of Jesus.
Matt Langton speaks on the events leading up to and the significance of Jesus dying for us on the cross.
Pastor Trevor preaches on our celebration of Holy Week and the significance of Palm Sunday and Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem.
Pastor Mark Smith preaches on topic of distraction. That throughout our Christian walk, there will be distractions. Our part is to keep our eyes on Jesus.
Pastor Trevor continues with Part 2 of being prepared to worship.
Pastor Trevor uses the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal to illustrate how to be prepared to worship.
Pastor Greg Bradford from Lakepoint preaches on living a life that is spiritually alive by using the gifts we have been given.
Pastor Trevor continues on the next five aspects of the covenant relationship.
Pastor Trevor shares with us from the Old Testament that has paralelles and pictures for our Christian walk today.
Pastor Trevor shares with us on being prepared for life-changing moments.
Pastor Trevor speaks on preparing our hearts and minds for the Easter celebration.
Pastor Errol speaks to us about the Gospel as the Power of God for salvation
Pastor Mark Smith preaches today on how the “Message has never changed.” Highlighting the importance of making sure that, in whatever we do, what we believe lines up with how we live.
Pastor Trevor preaches today specifically on the metaphor of the lamb and how this relates to the church.
Trevor preaches on the metaphor of the Lion and the Lamb and how this relates to the church.
This Christmas 2022 service, Trevor teaches us on what it means to stand in awe of God in the midst of the good and bad things that have happened this year.
Today we’re starting a new mini series. We’re looking at Jesus as the roaring lion. We read from the end of the book of Genesis.
Chad Van Niekerk, builds on the theme of Christmas. He uses the illustration of a Christmas present, to show us the true gift of Christmas.
We’re on the second Sunday of advent! Errol Hartley speaks to us today on ‘Christmas according to Jesus.’ We read from Hebrews chapter 10.
Pastor Johnny speaks to us from Corinthians chapter 6. We look at how we do not have to ‘choose’ between a physical and a spiritual life. That the two are connected and that God, our Creator, doesn’t want to rob us of our joy in life, but that He knows best how we can enjoy and live our lives to the fullest when we make Him number one.
Matt Langton builds on last weeks message of revival by Keith West. We look at the passage of scripture in Revelation chapter 2 as Matt reminds us that sometimes we ‘do work for God’ without having a ‘love for God.’
Keith West founder of the Latitude Leadership Program preaches to us today from Psalm 85, encouraging us to not forsake continually praying for renewal and revival.
Today is a very special service as we officially launch Project Exodus, an addiction recovery ministry. We look at the theme of freedom and how Jesus’s death frees us from death and bondage.
This Sunday we look again at the Beatitudes. We are called to live a life of not just believing, but living out what we believe. And when we do this, we will surely be met with opposition from the world.
We’re picking up from last week, looking at the different types of kisses found in scripture. Today we highlight a kiss of commitment, that we hope with be powerful and meaningful to you.
We want to welcome you today as we touch on some stuff that I know is hugely relevant to the youth of our church and the community.
We’re looking at the story of Zacchaeus from Luke chapter 19, and the things that he did that we can take on to better our relationship with Jesus.
Today we’re speaking on ‘The Kiss Goodbye’ and we’re going to be focussing on the story of Elisha. Elisha had to ‘burn bridges’ with his past to take up after Elijah.
Today we are speaking about the ‘Kiss of Reconciliation.’ Psalm 85:10 forms the basis of today’s message which says that “righteousness and peace have kissed.”
Today we are starting a new series called ‘The Kiss.’ We pick up this series from Psalm 2:12 which says, “Kiss the son, lest He be angry…”
We all may have daily experiences of interacting with people we don’t like, yet the Lord tells us to love them. So how do we love someone we don’t like? Dr Arnold Mol speaks to us today on the topic of love and how to love someone you don’t really like.
This morning we turn to the book of Philippians chapter 4. We’re focussing on the question of ‘How Important Is God to You?’ Pastor Mike Rutter reads us Pauls writings to the church in Philippi and shares beautiful truths to help us in our walk with Jesus.
Today we’re going to be looking at the scripture 1 Corinthians 13:13 which says: Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. We’re going to be discussing how we need to remember God’s love for us even when we fall short.
Today Chad talks about the subject of community and how we can stand together as a church. We’re going to be drawing the passage in Exodus 17 when Aaron and Hur stood by Moses and held up his hands so that the Israelites would win the battle over the Amalekites.
Today we’re going to be starting a new series ‘The Kiss.’ We’re going to be looking at the Psalm chapter 2, a messianic Psalm which speaks about Jesus as being the Messiah long before He was born.
Today, Pastor Trevor Downham, talks about about hope, the fueling fire of a sozo lifestyle.
Today’s message is from Luke chapter 17, the story of Jesus and the 10 lepers.
Matt Langton preaches to us from Psalm chapter 101, to give us encouragement on being integrous.
Pastor Mike Rutter shares with us from Psalm 95 and about listening to God’s call on our lives.
Pastor speaks on the Pictures of God and how if we saw God the way Jesus portrayed Him, we would be drawn to Him.
Pastor Trevor speaks on not allowing ourselves to be fooled by the darkness, which sometimes tries to fool us into thinking that God has abandoned us.
Pastor Trevor preaches from Psalm 14 and the difference between being a fool and behaving foolishly.